Sunday, January 18, 2015

$5 Yoga Bag (or Cinco de Matto as my mom suggests!)

I started classes this week, one of which is a yoga class! I love it!
I purchased this yoga mat from amazon:
It works great, and it is so cute! But I wanted a strap or a bag to carry it. Amazon had a lot of options, which were either ugly and cheap, or too expensive ($60!) and cute. I pinterested (is that word?) some patterns, but I disliked them all. So I decided to make my own pattern! Which could possibly make no sense to anyone except me. 
I measured my mat, which is 3 mm. It was 68 in. x 24 in. and rolled measured about 4 in. across.

1 yard (or less, of fabric. I had about 1/4 yd. unused)
Ribbon (Walmart had cute valentines ribbon for $1, I got some with a cute red stitching down the middle)
Linning (I just bought a fat quarter, Worked perfect!)
Interfacing (which I had and didn't need to buy)
Totaled $5.81

1. I cut my pattern pieces:
 1. Bag (fabric) 
     30 in. x 14 in.
 2. Strap (fabric, interfacing)
     3 in. x 33 in.
 3. Bottom (fabric, linning, interfacing)
     6.5 in.
 4. Pocket Top (fabric, linning, interfacing)
     8 in. x 3 in.
 5. Pocket Bottom (fabric, linning, interfacing)
     8 in. x 7 in. 

2. Iron interfacing onto pieces 2, 3, 4, and 5.
3. Sew the strap into a tube and turn right side out
4. Sew top and bottom pocket and turn right side out, add velcro (I had two squares on each corner)
5. Sew bottom and turn right side out
6. Sew pocket onto bag
7. Sew bag into a tube and sew bottom on
8. Fold over the top of the bag twice to make a 1 in. pocket and insert the ribbon for a drawstring

and done! 

So easy! I love it, and the pocket holds my cell phone (I used Danny's in the picture, but its too big) my ID, and my keys! All I need for class! 

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